
We are proud to present a inside-preview on our latest project.


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Discover more about this unique movie project on our DEVELOPMENT page. A team of writers, stage managers, art directors, regiseurs and camera men work closely together on the  script, to translate this project, based on the art works of Michel Henricot, into a dynamic, mistic but entertaining cinema-movie. The original idea was born several moths ago and has proven to be sound and solid and therefore we started up our production team in the beginning of May 2019. Based on their results, real budgeting will soon become clear so that fund raising can start somewhere in the second half of this year. If all goes well, we hope to be able to start in October 2019 with the pre-production preparations. The start of the actual film recordings will probably only start in January 2020.

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European co-production financing

MXWordwide B.V. is a Netherlands based finance and production company, dedicated to the highest standards of European cinema and television, with strategic partnerships with major Hollywood based production companies, studios and agencies. Owned by Dutch arts and entertainment veterans, MXWorldwide provides a gateway to the world of European co-production financing.


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